Endeavoring to sell my house quick on more than one occasion, I have learned to write very detailed classified ads to post online. When I share this information with other sellers, they frequently ask me what I mean when I say, detailed. This article will explain what I do and why.
A detailed classified ad lists more than the standard information required. Standard information might read this way: 3BR, 2BA (BR is an abbreviation for bedrooms, and BA is an abbreviation for bathrooms) with 2 car garage, brick exterior, close to schools. Now, that is not a bad listing, but it leaves an awful lot to the imagination. Buyers are all really busy, and that means they appreciate having as much information as possible spelled out for them, not left to their imaginations.
I usually start with the typical statistics shown above in my classified ads, but then I elaborate on other features of my home for sale. Having purchased and sold many homes quickly over the years I've worked as a real estate investor, when I want to sell my home quick there is one thing I force myself to so as fast as possible. I force myself to get into the mindset of my prospective buyers in order to think like they think. Fathoming the mind of your buyer is the single most important step in preparing to sell a home fast.
In other words, answer the questions they are likely to be having already when trying to sell your house fast. Think ahead and answer these questions in your ads. Here's an example: Built in the 80s, my blonde brick home has excellent workmanship, tongue and groove hardwood flooring, energy-efficient HVAC and windows, contemporary decor and plenty of great neighbors. Built-in drawer and cabinet organizers in the kitchen and master BR, lots of pantry and utility storage, attic access over garage, and fenced-in backyard for pets. Elementary school is only 3 blocks away, and middle and high schools are also close enough to walk." That's only a brief example to jump-start your own ad writing, but it shows you what I mean by "detailed."
Of course when attempting to sell your house you don't know whether your actual buyers will have grade school children, but that information is useful to many buyers and so it's important to include it. You might also consider mentioning the local of senior centers, recreation centers with workout equipment and swimming pools, shopping, medical services, and of course grocery stores. Anything that answers the questions typical buyers ask is appropriate to mention. Also important to include is any existing or own financing available on the property, because some buyers are shopping for the financing even more than the features of the home itself. These are techniques I've used to sell my home quick.
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